Replenishing the First Bucket

In a recent post I discussed the importance of setting up a fixed income ladder as your first bucket of the Buckets Strategy.  As a follow up to that concept, I would like to introduce another skill that a retiree managing his own portfolio for income should know. That is when you should sell your […]

Increasing the Safe Withdrawal Rate, Part III

The third general approach to increasing your Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR) above the recommended 4% is pretty straight forward. It requires that you be flexible in your spending from year to year. In this approach you increase your withdrawal rate when the financial markets are doing well and you reduce your withdrawal rate when the […]

Withdrawing Funds in Retirement

Because I do not have an employer provided pension or health care benefits, and I will not be eligible for the Social Security or Medicare Programs for many years, 100% of my retirement income comes from assets invested in the real estate and financial markets. Consequently I cannot afford any big mistakes in my investments. […]