Archive for October, 2012

An Expensive Lesson in Boating

I mentioned in my last post that we had trouble retrieving our anchor at the South Santee River anchorage (Mile 420). I thought I might describe this situation in detail for any readers that are boaters or potential boaters in hopes they can avoid the problem.

Hunkered Down In South Carolina

We are currently at the Isle of Palms Marina, which is just off the Intra-Coastal Waterway (ICW). The Isle of Palms Marina is located on a barrier island of the same name. This island is about 10 miles north of Charleston. We decided to wait out tropical storm “Sandy” here for a few days.

North Carolina ICW

The North Carolina portion of the ICW is the most diverse part of the ICW. You travel through thin canals, wide rivers, large sounds, and coastal islands. When it comes to boats, it seems like there are two North Carolinas. In the sounds of North Carolina there are mostly sailboats cruising around to all the […]

Travelling the Swamp

We left the Poquoson River Virginia area in the lower Chesapeake Bay and then spent a couple days in Norfolk, VA at the Waterside Marina.   We watched the Orioles battle the Yankees in the American League Divisional Play-offs. We also spent a day grocery shopping in Norfolk and visiting the main attraction, the USS Wisconsin […]

Heading South

This week we threw off the dock lines from our slip in Annapolis, MD and pointed our sailboat Odyssey south for the winter. In The first leg of our trip we’ll head down the Chesapeake Bay to Norfolk, VA, where the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) begins. Our ultimate destination is The Abacos in the Bahamas.