Archive for August, 2011

Other Retirement Income

Many baby boomers nearing retirement today did not have a disciplined savings plan starting at an early age. This is why many financial advisors are recommending that people work part time in retirement to supplement their other retirement income. If you find part time work that you enjoy, then continuing to work a few hours […]

Home Value has Dropped – What to do?

I got a question from a friend recently who is planning on moving out west. He and his wife are trying to sell their home. But the value has dropped since they purchased it.  My friend wanted to know if I thought he should sell the house now or wait. This is a situation that […]

Markets Got you Spooked?

Not me, I could not care less what the markets do. Why am I not concerned about the equity markets? Because I have already set my equity allocation at a percentage that I am comfortable with. That is, my equity allocation is such that a market down draft would not bother me. In fact, I […]