Over-valued Stock Market, What Should an Investor Do?

Today’s investment markets are extremely difficult. Safe fixed-income assets pay near zero interest and the stock market is at an historically high valuation. So what is a conservative investor to do, especially someone who is retired or is nearing retirement?

The Low-Risk Anomaly

I ran across an interesting article this week that was published in early 2011 in the Financial Analysts Journal (FAJ). The article is an academic study on the long term returns of investing in high-risk versus low-risk stocks. The study was conducted by three professors of finance/economics who are also asset managers. If you have […]

The impact of Stock Dividends on Total Return

In many posts I have stressed the importance of the income an investment provides as much as any capital appreciation you may hope to gain from the investment. In my last post I described a real estate investment I have held for the past 20 years and the income it provides. The importance of income […]